Actually, we get it. Not everyone is into Valentine's Day. And that's so valid. But if you give us a chance, we still get the feeling that we could find the perfect match for you...
My friend messaged me when he was drunk a few years back that I was his ride or die and I thought that was sweet even though he's not my Valentines. I also didn't invite him to my year 8 birthday party for reasons I can no longer remember and he still brings this shit up.
Shop Just Two Frogs Tee
There's nothing flirtier or more romantic than bringing pasta on a date. There may or may not be enough to share and you need to have a microwave handy but that's what love is all about.
Shop Be A Slut Tee
Shop I Bring Pasta Tee
Shop Nail Me Tee
Literally all three of these designs were done by myself. I think I'm being forced to accept that perhaps I am both dead inside and hate everything. I guess I can see that.
Shop Roses Are Red Tee
Shop Ew No Thanks Tee
I like the idea of a relationship with myself. I feel like I'm usually on the same page, and I know what's on my mind most of the time. It just seems like a perfect match. Although I hear he's dead inside and hates everything.
Shop Deserve Tee
Shop Self Love Sloth Tee
We love/hate love and you can too!