Did you order an elephant from our website while trying to order a T-shirt? That's okay, these things happen. The thing is, we don't have an elephant. We've never even discussed the astral plane with an elephant. There's also a current legality issue, as I tried putting one of our T-shirts onto an elephant for our size guide, and the owners of the zoo caught me. Long story short I'm not really able to work with elephants, or ferrets (for an unrelated reason) again.
So please when using our website, be sure to only purchase T-shirts, and not any elephants. We apologise for any inconvenience caused. To help resolve the issue, please see the following four Elephant themed T-shirts, which are available in human sizes only. Elephant sizing pending.
So again, and I can't stress this enough: These T-shirts only feature elephants, but are not for elephants to wear. They're for human beings to wear. The sizing is too small for an elephant. By how much, we'll find out when I overturn the current legal decisions regarding my elephant related misdemeanors.