So I was on the phone to my dad earlier tonight (who awkwardly reads the blog but luckily there hasn’t been anything sexual on here in months now because my love life is that dead) and he was saying that I should be more open to my religion. To be fair I really don’t take it very seriously. I think he has this thing where he’s maybe upset I’ve never dated a Jewish girl before but doesn’t want to admit it.
When he left for New York last month his final message to me before leaving was “Maybe also start thinking of dating Jewish girls” followed by some weird gibberish symbols which older people tend to use in an attempt at texting. I guess at the time I was a little surprised it wasn’t something more along the lines of “I’ll see you when I get back” or "I love you" something. I can’t imagine what going on a date to dinner with someone who is actually Jewish would be like. I wonder if we would split the bill or not. Also I don’t know what we’d talk about outside of what a commerce degree at UNSW is like. Shit. I’m definitely not ready for this.
– Lonely Kids Club