19 February 2024

Love Your Pet Day

Today is love your pet day! I've grown up with pets my entire life, so this one feels quite meaningful to me. The first dog I had was a big golden retriever called Kimbo who was such a boof-head. You'd throw him a ball and he's come back with it in his mouth and refuse to give it to you, so you'd throw two more and he'd do the same until he'd finally crack because he couldn't fit more than three balls in his mouth (There's probably a joke in there but I'm trying to be more mature in my mid-30's). 

There was this old photo of me riding him like a horse, but as siblings do, my older sister decided she liked that photo of me for some reason so took it out of the frame I had in my room when we were teenagers and subsequently lost it. My favorite thing about Kimbo was when we'd have kids parties in the garden, and he'd run around stealing everyone's food because kids are small and slow.

One year we had hotdogs and he had a run of pulling out 8 sausages from the buns all in one strike and he had to be locked in the house. Unfortunately he got very good at opening doors with his snout and then using his overgrown head so he went back out and caused havok again. He was such a good boy. Give your pet a hug today. 


- Warwick

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