26 May 2014



I played soccer for like 6 years and the whole time I never had the balls to make one tackle. I would just run up and down chasing people around the field without doing anything. I would have looked like a lost puppy running around. I was similarly bad in basketball. I think my team letter was the G’s. Do you know how many letters there are in the alphabet before G? Like 6. I double-checked using my hands. And we still lost sometimes.

We occasionally played teams that could barely bounce a ball. Sport was so depressing. The only time I ever achieved something was this one time we did a “beep” test where we had to run from one line to another before a beep went and maybe from all my previous experience with running I ended up on my own running back and fourth for ages by myself after the rest of my PE group dropped out. It was that ONE moment everyone was like “nice one dude!” Ah. Approval from my peers. That was a sweet, sweet moment in my 12 years of running around trying to throw and/or catch a ball. 


– Lonely Kids Club

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