
Lonely Kids Club is a brand that understands it's kept alive by the support it receives. So in an effort to give back, we set up a loyalty program.
LKC Loyalty
For every dollar you spend, you'll receive a generous amount of points instantly. At any time, you can use these points to buy products from the store.
LKC Bonus Points
You can combine them with other forms of payment, and there's no minimum spend. They never expire, and you even get bonus points for creating an account. 

Ways to earn Sloth Coins to buy your new Lonely Kids Club threads!

🤘Sign up to receive 100 Sloth Coins
📦 Place an order and receive 2 Sloth Coins for every $1 spent
🎂 Celebrate a birthday to receive 100 Sloth Coins
Instagram Follow us on Instagram to receive 100 Sloth Coins 



How to redeem your Sloth Coins to buy your new Lonely Kids Club threads!

🪙 Log in to your account to view your points

🎁 Hit ways to redeem and this will show you how many points you have available to use. 

100 Sloth Coins = $3

🛒 Retrieve the unique discount code to use your Sloth Coins for your next order.

Once you're ready, checkout using your points and preferred payment method.