08 December 2014

Oh Shit


Yeah so I had diarrhea for like the whole of last month and I was like well shit (literally) I better go to do something about this but then my dad and some of my friends told me I was looking slimmer and in my head I attributed it entirely to my newly found pooping situation so I just let it play out. My friend Hugh said my neck and face was looking slimmer and I figured that’s something worth fighting for. But anyway as it happens with life things happened and I started eating prunes and those digestive nut packs (It’s a real thing) and now I’m pooping like a champ again.

I’m mega worried I’m going to put the weight back on now though and go back to being ol’ regular pooping chubby Warwick. I’m determined not to let this happen though. I’ve cut out all fun foods and going to the gym like one of those people who don’t really have the personality to talk about anything other than their health. I hate those people. Anyway I don’t even know why I felt the need to share this but I figured you all needed to know. Yeah. sorry. This was a pretty shitty blog post.


– Lonely Kids Club

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