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07 January 2013

Early Days


So I got my hands on a folder my grandmother kept of some of my drawings and artwork from my childhood. I still have very strong recollections of sitting at the back of class drawing pictures of what my friends would look like when I was older and had some. Good times. Anyway initially I was going to call this post “NEW RANGE CONCEPT DRAWINGS” but I figured that’s a little sneaky. So without any further adeu here’s some of my favourites (captioned so it looks snazzier) from the folder:


Creepiest photo ever. At just 4 years old I was already disturbing.
I stand corrected. This is like one of the drawings the protagonist takes out of the hands of the mentally ill child who sees ghosts at the start of a horror movie. 
My favourite thing about this aside from the fact that I couldn’t (and still can’t) ride a bike is that I drew my sister as a head with squiggly hair. Ha.
I still get freaked out at how I drew myself for the class face drawings. I’m legit 4 dots and a scribble. Also the girl in the drawing under mine looks like the smuggest kid ever. I kind of hope she has a drug problem now or something.
I remember getting detention for spending the whole day drawing, so I just kept drawing while in detention. Fucking 90’s logic.
This is probably better than anything I could do now.
Just threw this in there because I totally forgot about how much I loved Mighty Max. My new goal for Summer Sundays is to find a Mighty Max fabric.
Found this in the folder so thought I’d throw it in there so you can put the face to the drawings. Little known fact: This is the last visible photo of me without facial hair. It came in a week later.


– Lonely Kids Club

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