06 July 2015

Deep thoughts with Pone

I got a guest blog post today from a dude called Tony Kingston. He initially came to my attention because he had a Tinder profile photo featuring the Winston Jumper so naturally I got about 30 screenshots of him from my friends. But he’s an accomplished boi. He writes for Purple Sneakers & runs his own parties via The Abe Show. Does that look weird? I’ve like forgotten how to hyperlink. Anyway It’s cool someone wanted to do a guest blog post. If anyone else wants to please feel free. It’s just fun making this a more communal thing. ^_^

Tony’s guest post:

You know you’re getting old when you think back to some of the first house parties you went to and they didn’t even have DJs. The time when the music selection for the evening was played off burnt mix CDs which occasionally or regularly skipped and MP3 players, which created that awful noise through the speakers when someone pulled the cord out. The time when it wouldn’t be that surprising to hear The Mars Volta, The Chemical Brothers and Snoop Dogg within the same hour. The time when people got pissed off when someone changed the music during their favourite song. It’s amazing how far we’ve come since then, but I would love to go back in time to experience one of these parties again. What a spin out that would be.

– Not Lonely Kids Club

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