Jasmin is one of the most talented artists I know. We met in our late teens and came up with the name / personal joke Lonely Kids Club together as our own exclusive club because all our other friends were in relationships. This is where the brand’s name came from. You can check out our art on her insta account @jasmindouglas.art 1. Do you think your life would be very different if your name was Douglas Jasmin Oh absolutely!I would have assumably been way more into the Disney series “Doug” than what I was as a child. I would probably even like it more than I liked the Disney film “Aladdin” (which was pretty much the most important thing in the world to me for most of the 90s). 2. When do you paint the most I paint to meditate, so usually when I am stressed and should be doing other things. I do try to give myself blocks of time to fit in painting because I know once I start I tend to get lost in time and just keep going for hours and hours. ![]() 3. Which diet is the best? One that doesn’t allow me to get too hangry or involve me thinking about it too much? 4. What’s the biggest mistake young artists make Probably taking themselves too seriously and not being friendly. People give you more opportunities when you’re a nice person. 5. You’re an art teacher. What’s the worst experience you’ve had with shitty kids. I had a really bad experience once when I was working as a casual teacher. It was the first time I worked at this particular school.. and last. My last class of the day was year 8 science, it didn’t sound that bad. However, my instructions for the lesson were: “Here’s a worksheet, if they won’t do that.. here is a find-a-word.. if you can’t get them to do that, put a video on about space. If you can keep them in the room, you’ve won.” I did not keep them in the room. During the lesson I was called a “c*nt”, one boy stole a girls phone and she chased him out of the room, then another kid jumped out the window, and a few more ran out the door until I was left with just two kids in the room. I swear I am actually a competent teacher and nothing like that has ever happened again. But I guess we all need to fail spectacularly at least once. 6. What consequences do you think the removal of our arts department will make Removal or collapsing and funding cuts to the arts is such a tragedy. It literally is removing the happiness and colour from our world. The arts are here to inspire, stimulate imagination and at the end of the day make you feel things from joy to empathy and more. 7. Do you think all art can be translated to clothing?I teach both Art and Design and I do tend to see them both as individual disciplines. However, the best art and the best design take attributes from one another. ![]() 8. Any memories of you and I being young and reckless? Many- I remember Sydney pre-lockout! But sharing them would incriminate you as much as me. So for your safety I will keep quiet on that one. 9. Remember that time we were on the front cover of mX? Absolutely! It was our debut modelling gig! Did you know someone posted that to my sister in London and it hung framed in her kitchen for years? I still have my copy. I’m sentimental like that ️ |

18 May 2020